

手帳 &ノート

Memos, record instant thoughts


I often record the trivialities of life and complain about myself.

But I don't like to write in the form of a blog or long essay. I'm actually lazy and don't like to update my blog.

Previously, I discovered that @daibor used BaaS to quickly build a comment system similar to Weibo without likes on the app "B 言 B 语" on the website "少数派" (https://bb.chenplus.com/).

Later, I found @木木's "哔哔点啥" WeChat official account 2.0 (https://immmmm.com/bb-by-wechat-pro/) and successfully deployed it following the tutorial.

Because the backend and WeChat official account of "哔哔点啥" are both deployed using Tencent CloudBase. However, starting from a certain month this year, CloudBase is no longer free.

For me, it was so difficult to find a platform to record short articles, and now I have lost it. So frustrating~ 😶‍🌫️

Hey, here comes another one. I found another interesting application called "Memos".

It is an open-source, self-hosted knowledge base. The application has a simple UI and doesn't have too many fancy features, making it perfect for recording fleeting thoughts.


1.1 What is it used for?

  • 📅 Convenient for recording daily/weekly plans
  • 💡 Convenient for recording interesting thoughts
  • 📕 Can be used to write book reviews on the go
  • 🏗️ Sometimes can replace the "File Transfer Assistant" frequently used on WeChat and the memo app on your phone
  • 📒 Can create a lightweight "card" notebook that belongs to you

1.2 What are its features?

  • ✨ Free and open-source project!
  • 😋 High aesthetics! The UI is very atmospheric and beautiful!
  • 📑 Excellent interactive logic and user experience!
  • 👫 Supports Chinese! Supports multiple users!
  • ⚡ Supports quick deployment with Docker!
  • 🚀 Currently under active development, more features will be added in the future...

Related Links

Official Demo: https://demo.usememos.com/

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/usememos/memos


Use Docker to deploy and create containers, the image contains all the necessary environments. Just pull + run it yourself to complete the deployment.

docker run \
  --name memos \
  --publish 5230:5230 \
  --volume ~/.memos/:/var/opt/memos \
  neosmemo/memos:latest \
  --mode prod \
  --port 5230

Docker Compose

Check the example docker-compose.yaml file for more information.

You can open Memos by accessing localhost:5230, and it will prompt you to register as a user during the first installation. Please remember your password. The data file is stored in ~/.memos by default.

If there is no memos_prod.db file in ~/.memos/, Memos will generate it automatically.

Single-page deployment code#

@木木大佬 has handled the JavaScript file call. Just put the following HTML + JS + CSS into a page.

<div id="bber"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var bbMemos = {
    memos : 'https://me.edui.fun/',//modify to your own apiurl, ending with /
    limit : '',//default to show 10 items each time
    creatorId:'' ,//default to user 101 https://demo.usememos.com/u/101
    domId: '',//default to <div id="bber"></div>
<script src="https://immmmm.com/bb-lmm.js"></script>
<script src="https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tokinx/ViewImage/view-image.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/Tokinx/Lately/lately.min.js"></script>

The style code is still being continuously updated, so please refer to the source code for details.

B 言 B 语: https://chenyyds.com/bb

Extension Plugins#

Memos has been enhanced by @木木 to include a browser extension for quick content publishing.
Project Repository: https://github.com/lmm214/memos-bber

For Apple iOS, you can use MoeMemos IOS for quick shortcuts to publish content.

There is also a WeChat mini program called "麦墨" (https://github.com/Rabithua/memos_wmp) built by rabithua, which can be used to publish "哔哔". You can also build it yourself.

In short, Memos is really great. You can express yourself freely. 😎

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.